Business Needs Assessment of IT in SMEs in the Baltic Sea Region
SME Digital Maturity Recommender Tool
DINNOCAP Report "Increasing SME Awareness of Digitalization – Challenges and Methods"
DINNOCAP Report "Cyber Security and SMEs in the Baltic Sea Region"
Multi-county report on Online SME Digital maturity recommender tool findings and usability
DINNOCAP Final Project Report: Digital Transformation Instruments
DINNOCAP Action Plan: Transnational Industry Dialogue and Policy Support
The project promoted and enhanced the usage of ICT opportunities among SMEs, industry organizations, and public sector authorities by implementing activities together with these stakeholders.
The project activities were carried out within 3 work packages (WP).
WP1 - Project administrative management and communication
WP lead: Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
WP2 - Digital Transformation Through Stronger BSR Community
WP lead: Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark
During DIGINNO main obstacles for SMEs in cross-border operations had been identified and documented. Partners continued to facilitate an environment where SMEs can operate across borders and support the development of their capacity to digitalize their processes. The project worked towards a consolidated transnational digitalization community in cooperation with key stakeholders and policymakers via joint seminars and brainstorming sessions.
The results were documented in Action Plan: Transnational Industry Dialogue, Action and Policy Support. The second goal was to increase the capacities of SMEs for ICT uptake and collect best practices of digitalization. Learning points, methods descriptions, and recommendations were gathered into one toolbox for helping the uptake of digitalization. DIGINNO Digital Maturity Recommender Toolkit was tested and developed further in cooperation with SMEs to enable SMEs to assess their level of digitalization and receive training on how to identify the deficiencies in the assessment process. All these WP results were consolidated into the Digital Transformation Instruments document.
Consolidated transnational digitalization community:
Transnational meetings between key industry stakeholders to clarify and agree on how to support the engagement of SMEs in digital transformation throughout the whole value chain
Consultation of national policymakers to encourage policy actions to support innovation capacity building and transnational implementation of policy initiatives
Increased capacities of SMEs for ICT uptake:
Practical workshops on a national basis for manufacturing SMEs to promote, test, and evaluate usage of selected digitalization toolkits.
Collect and review best practices used by stakeholders in different countries for industry digitalization awareness-raising.
Tested digital maturity toolkit with SMEs:
Training of SMEs in testing their level of digitalization and comparing it with other SME’s.
Consultation and support of SMEs to help them to make up for deficiencies found in the testing process.
Consolidating the outcome into a set of Digital Transformation Instruments as inspiration for enhancing the innovation capacities of public and private stakeholders beyond the project.
WP3 - Digital Transformation of Public Services Delivered by SMEs
WP lead: Lithuanian Association INFOBALT
DIGINNO project proved the potential of cross-border e-services and eReceipt, eCMR, and Know Your Customer (KYC) as mature show-cases.
One of the activities was to build on eCMR data exchange prototype technical solution focusing on agreed international standards, data sets, and security levels.
All show-cases were researched further to agree on minimal data sets and standards for cross-border data exchange. This knowledge of eCMR, eReceipt, and KYC methodology was written into a transnational governance framework to support their implementation.
The project acknowledged that one year goes by quickly but digitalization and cross-border e-services offer endless developments. Therefore, the third goal of this work package was to establish a committed cross-border e-services stakeholder community to continue the projects, activities, and cooperation after the end of DINNOCAP.
Total Budget:
0.88 MEUR
Countries Participated:
Lead Partner:
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia
Kristi Aruküla, Project Manager
WP2 Lead:
Aalborg University Copenhagen
Torben Aaberg, toraa@es.aau.dk
WP3 Lead:
Lithuanian Association INFOBALT
Egidijus Skrodenis

The expected long-term change was:
A considerable amount of SMEs in the BSR region are familiar with the digitalization and digital awareness tools, enabling them to increase their digitalization capacity and uptake of ICT, a.o. inspired by approaches and practices in the neighboring countries. In the long term, this improves the innovation capacities of SMEs and encourages SME digitalization based on transnational learning. This enhances the competitiveness of SMEs and the BSR industry sectors.
A sustainable transnational dialogue between BSR industry digitalization communities strengthens collaboration networks between public and private stakeholders working with the digital transformation of public services in the BSR. This improves the innovation capacities of SMEs and encourages and supports SME digitalization based on transnational learning.
Cross-border e-services G2B show-cases were developed further and passed transnational dialogue, agreements on service standards, data sets, and requirements. In the long term, this contributes to the real-time economic ecosystem.