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Cyber Security and SMEs in a Transnational Context

One of the main aims of DINNOCAP is to share and implement ideas and transnational solutions that can address obstacles for SME digitalisation and encourage an increased ICT uptake among SMEs.

The webinar „Cyber Security and SMEs in a Transnational Context“ on 16 Sept 2021 explored aspects of challenges in and solutions to cyber security in SMEs. The event was organised as part of DINNOCAP WP2 by Aalborg University Copenhagen (AAU) in co-operation with the COM-3 project,

There were 26 participants from industry, government agencies, and academia.

Larger companies have specialized resources to deal with cyber security issues. They also know how to comply with regulations and laws on how to handle end users’ and customers’ data in a proper manner. Most SMEs, however, do not have such resources and in most cases lack the competency to deal with the issues.

The seminar aimed to exchange best practices and provide project partners and other industry associations with knowledge and inspiration for how to raise awareness and encourage SMEs to take up Cyber Security (CS) technologies.

Inputs from AAU illustrated why SMEs have to worry about cyber security and what should be done. Inputs from industry associations and companies in Denmark, Finland, Russia, and Latvia illustrated the theme of ”How can SMEs be encouraged to address CS issues?” from different national perspectives. The panel debate addressed the following questions:

- How can SMEs utilize knowledge on CS technologies?

- Have adequate solutions been developed that can inspire neighboring countries?

- How to make cyber security a competitive advantage?

- How to raise awareness and promote solutions among SMEs?

- Any transnational solutions/actions to develop and take further?

Among the conclusions were:

- Cyber security is an issue for SMEs – not only big companies are attacked.

- It is important for ‘the individual SME’ to know the risk, have competent staff to handle the risk, and shape the organization to handle risks.

- Illustrative cases are useful and important, also from neighboring countries.

- A clearly explained policy for cyber security is a competitive advantage.



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