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Increasing SME Awareness of Digitalisation - Report Available

A report on SME awareness of digitalisation, which is one of the DINNOCAP project outcomes, has been finalised and delivered.

In the last decades, it has become clear that the digital economy will bring opportunities for those who are aware and prepared to embrace the digital evolution. When it comes to SME digitalisation, one important barrier is related to the low levels of awareness.

This report presents results from a study in which experiences and extracted good practices used by stakeholders from six countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Norway, and Sweden) in the BSR-region have been collected.

The report provides insights for actors within the SME support system based on finding answers to the following two questions:

• What can we learn on a general level about the challenges in relation to increased awareness?

• What mechanisms and methods to increase awareness have been deployed in support activities?

The report was made by the DINNOCAP partner RISE Research Institute Sweden AB and funded by the project DINNOCAP of Interreg Baltic Sea Region.


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